
Guidelines on Prejudices and Stereotypes about Religions

Guidelines on Prejudices and Stereotypes about Religions

News, Results
Guidelines on Prejudices and Stereotypes about Religions, the first publication produced within SORAPS project, has been published recently. The aim of the document is to illustrate, starting from the existent literature and surveys conducted in partner schools, which prejudices and stereotypes regarding religions should be addressed in schools and which training approaches are required to debunk them in a critical and scientifically informed way. The design of the training materials will be grounded on this document. Even if the contents of the document are complete, the document aims to remain living material to be reviewed and updated through the life-cyle of the Project. Guidelines are freely downloadable at the link below: SORAPS_IO1_V3 SORAPS_IO1_Appendix1_V1 SORAPS_IO1_Appendix1_V2
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SORAPS at international symposium on religions in the schools in Paris

SORAPS at international symposium on religions in the schools in Paris

International symposium “Which education in the schools to fight against religious stereotypes” was held in Paris on last 9th September 2017, organized by European Institute for Religious Sciences (IESR) of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes of the Sorbonne University. (EPHE) At the symposium took part many prestigious European universities, addressing religious stereotypes and analyzing the way in which education could prevent religious based discrimination, built on stereotypes and prejudices. SORAPS project was the mainstream idea on which the symposium was built, and was presented by Renaud Rochette from IESR, partner of the project. Tim Jensen from Studies of Religions, Dipartment of History of Syddansk University, Denmark, partner of the project SORAPS, was keynote speaker too. Program of the Symposium
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SORAPS on social networks

SORAPS on social networks

One of the main activities during the first phase of the project has been defined the dissemination strategy. One of the main goals has been to select which social networks are a good channel to disseminate our activities. In this sense, we have created two profiles, one on Facebook and one on Twitter. You can follow us!  
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SORAPS Project presented at the seminar: “Schools and religious Super-Diversity”

SORAPS Project presented at the seminar: “Schools and religious Super-Diversity”

On 26th May 26, 2017, the University La Sapienza in Rome, the Department of History, Culture and Religions, organized the seminar on School and Religious Super Diversity: Italian and European didactic experiences within the framework of Master in Religion and Cultural Mediation. The aim of the seminar was to present good practices at the Italian and European level in the field of teaching of religions with objective, scientific and intercultural approach. The keynote speakers came from prestigious Italian and European universities and was addressed to the Master's students. SORAPS was presented by Giovanni Lapis of Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, project coordinator. More info about the program of the seminar here.
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Results of the first assessment of common stereotypes in schools

Results of the first assessment of common stereotypes in schools

Several analyses and assessments, involving 100 students and 30 teachers from the partner schools, have been carried out over the last few months in order to design the guidelines on stereotypes and preconceptions, which will prove crucial to develop and implement the training activities for teachers. The questionnaires have shown the diversities between the point of view of the trainers and those of the students on the most common stereotypes and preconceptions, as well as on the hot topics in the interfaith and intercultural dialogue. According to the interviews with the teachers, the three main topics to be discussed are Islam, other particular issues such as religious sects and cults, and the Christianity in all its complexity. On the other hand, the analysis carried out on the students’ point of…
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