Teacher training course design

This output consists in a course curriculum together with correlated training materials. It comprises both in-presence and on-line activities, and it is constructed around subjects like “The Sense and Methods of Teaching Studies of Religions in Schools”, “Pedagogical Strategies in Multicultural classes”, “Religious Plurality in Contemporary Societies & Media”, “Religions, Human Rights and Religious Freedom”. All with a focus on contrasting Stereotypes and Prejudices.


Creative Commons License
All the deliverables available to download here are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Download the Teacher training course guidelines
This is the general course curriculum structure, its presentation,  objectives, units division and a proposal of time frame based on its first experimentation.

English version
German version
Danish version
French version
Italian version
Spanish version


Download the Complete set of training materials
Here you can find all the written materials that has been produced for the implementation of the SORAPS Teacher Training Course. This set consists of readings, proposal of activities, templates for activities and includes also the above mentioned Guidelines on prejudices and stereotypes in Religions and the Teacher training course guidelines. The latter are provided both in HTML and eXeLearning format, while the rest of the files are in .pdf or .doc format.

English version 
German version
Danish version  (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6)
French version
Italian version
Spanish version

SORAPS style for eXeLearning
Download here.


Access to SORAPS Course Introductory Videos and other videos
You can find all the  Introductory Videos used in the Training course, as well as other videos (e.g. interviews with project’s participants), at the YouTube Channel of SORAPS Project.


Download the Teacher training course Handbook
Here you can find a short publication as support to anyone and any istitution willing to implement the SORAPS Teacher Training Course. It is meant to presents and explains the aims of this course, its topics, its materials, its structure and wants to offer guidance and tips for future trainers.

English version