FROM IERS TO SORAPS… Continuity and synergies between past and future projects

FROM IERS TO SORAPS… Continuity and synergies between past and future projects

News, Workshops
An international training course aimed at promoting the intercultural dialogue through the teaching of religion in high schools was held in Venice, from 13 to 17 March 2017. In the setup of said course, the experience gathered during the implementation of the IERS - Intercultural Education Through Religious Studies  project proved significantly crucial to ensure the remarkable participation of 17 teachers from all over Europe in the training activities. A wide range of theoretical and practical issues were covered, ranging from all the diverse approaches to learning religion to the different methods to use ICT in class. All the participants expressed their satisfaction towards the issues addressed and the methodologies used. This peculiar kind of learning process has been designed for the purpose of being replicated in other Member…
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Kick-off meeting of the SORAPS Project

Kick-off meeting of the SORAPS Project

The Consortium members of the SORAPS (Studies of Religions Against Prejudices and Stereotypes) project have gathered from 23 to 27 November 2016 in the wonderful scenario offered by the University Ca’Foscari in Venice, where the meeting was held. The implementing Consortium, which is currently led by the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, is the same involved in the former IERS (Intercultural Education through Religious Studies, project, which already partnered with 4 prestigious European educational institutions: the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain; the Universität Augsburg in Germany, the Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE) in France and the Syddansk Universitet in Denmark, besides the leading NGO Oxfam Italia. The SORAPS project has introduced a significant innovation compared with its precedessor: the establishment of an active partnership with 3 high schools from…
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