As the SORAPS Project enters its implementation phase, the University of Salamanca (USAL) will set up a training course to be held in two sessions: the first one, from 9th to 13th April, 2018, and the second one from 17th to 21st December, 2018. Teachers participating to this course will be able to gain a full picture of the aims and objectives of the SORAPS project, while also learning how to properly make use of the Online Platform and the other tools made available by the project. In addition, teachers will be presented with the main topics related to the aim of the project, such as Human Rights, Religious freedom, stereotypes and intercultural dialogue, and will learn the proper teaching methodologies and techniques to introduce them in class. The sessions will cover a wide array of topics and will envision frontal theoretical lessons as well as practical ones, delivered by the project partner institutions. The contents presented during the course will be deepened during the Online Training, which will constitute the follow up of the face-to-face training.
At this link a provisional syllabus of the training course. Very soon the final agenda of the training course. Stay tuned!