Report of the second SORAPS Project meeting Augsburg (Germany)

Report of the second SORAPS Project meeting Augsburg (Germany)

The second SORAPS project meeting took place in Augsburg (Germany) last October, with the participation of all the consortium partners. The summit marked the definitive transition from the IERS to the SORAPS, other than an opportunity to assess all the project activities implemented and the working processes carried out so far, especially those involved with a greater engagement of the partner schools.

The IO1 (Guidelines on Stereotypes and Prejudices on Religions) finalization was also assessed, with the consortium partners committing to bringing it up to date with new insights throughout the life-cycle of the project. The IO2 (i.e. the Teachers Training Course) was also thoroughly discussed, and its curriculum, the topics addressed, and the training materials, schedules and activities to be done by teachers during the course were revised accordingly. The Training Materials for IO2 are currently under realization, while the design of the IO3 (Teachers Training Platform) is now being developed.

Last, but not least, the project meeting also allowed to discuss the consortium’s future strategies for widening our pool of potential stakeholder to whom disseminate SORAPS’s news and products.