SORAPS 3rd General Project Meeting in Salamanca, Spain, April 2018

SORAPS 3rd General Project Meeting in Salamanca, Spain, April 2018

The partners of the project “Study of Religions against Prejudices and Stereotypes” (SORAPS) met in Salamanca (Spain) at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Salamanca for the third meeting to present their interim results and prepare the next steps. During the meeting, the partners arranged the final details of the first in-presence teacher training event (C1) that was taking place in the same time, agreed to the final version of the IO3 “Online Training Platform” basic features and on the functions and roles of the online tutors, and discussed the first ideas and possible challenges for the multiplication training events in the partner schools. Furthermore, important doubts on administrative and financial issues, still lingering among some partners (especially schools), could be completely clarified.

The partners agreed on that it was a very productive meeting for all. The next meeting will take place in December 2018 in Florence, Italy. The SORAPS project team gives thanks to the team of the GRupo de Investigación en InterAcción y eLearning (GRIAL) for hosting us so kindly and hospitably.