The University of Augsburg was founded in 1970. It is one of the new, modern universities in Bavaria, and with approximately 18.000 students it is of a manageable size. It has cooperation agreements with over forty universities in Europe, Asia, South Africa, North America and Latin America. The number of ERASMUS exchange programmes also continues to grow. There are currently exchange programmes with more than 130 universities throughout Europe. The Chair of History Didactics has more than 1000 students; most of them are teacher students. There are about 15 scientific staff members including also freelancers representing the professional experience of various cultural sectors. This way a creative collaboration emerges not only in scientific matters, but rather also in cultural cooperative projects.
The main research topics of the Chair of History Didactics are:
- Visual literacy in dealing with culture of history,
- Global perspectives on national and European History,
- Diversity in the classroom as challenge for history teaching,
- “Looking at history through a variety of lenses”: the principles of multiperspectivity and controversy in dealing with history,
- Teaching and learning history and mediating culture in historical museums and exhibitions.
The chair is involved in numerous institutions and cooperations at the research location Augsburg. Especially the chair maintains good connections to selected regional schools. It is in contact with a worldwide network of experts and scientists interested in the field of History Teachers´ Education. The Chair of History Didactics attends many international conferences and takes part in several EU-Projects in the last years.
Susanne Popp
Coordinator University of Augsburg
Susanne Popp, leader of the chair of History Didactics, Publications, is chairwoman of the International Society of History Didactics” (ISHD), the leading scientific association of experts on history didactics and mediating historical culture at universities all around the world (with members from all five continents). She is co-editor (with Dr. Jutta Schumann) of the leading international scientific journal of history didactics “yearbook – jahrbuch – annales”. Susanne Popp is member of the scientific advisory board of the German Historians’ Association (vhd) and member of the scientific advisory board of the “Deutsches Historisches Museum” in Berlin (German National History Museum). She is also deputy director of the “Central Institute of Didactical Research and Academic Teaching” at the University of Augsburg.
Susanne Popp attends many international conferences and projects; she is in contact with a worldwide network of experts and scientists interested in the ideas of the network.
Jutta Schumann
Jutta Schumann, is scientific employee of the chair of History Didactics, she is co-editor (with Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp) of the leading international scientific journal of history didactics “yearbook – jahrbuch – annales”. Jutta Schumann worked five years for the “House of Bavarian History” (HdBG) as curator of historical exhibitions and was responsible for the didactical concepts. She is responsible for the coordination of the “Geschichtswerkstatt” of the Chair of History Didactics. She provides study courses of museum education and history teaching for the new M.A. Mediating Culture (e.g. “Concepts for the Fugger and Welser Museum”; “Oral History and Museums”). Last but not least she is responsible for the contact with schools and practical training of the students in schools.
Oliver Mayer-Simmet
Project manager
Oliver Simmet is a historian and academic assistant of the chair of History Didactics. He provides study courses in History Didactics for teacher and B.A. students, in special in the field of the principles of multiperspectivity and controversy. He is well experienced in the field of international research cooperation and projects, especially in the management field (financial and operational management, communications strategies, new media).
Felix Petzold
Felix Petzold is a research assistant and Ph.D. student of the chair of History Didactics. He holds a Master Degree in Mediating Culture and already passed the First State Examination for the lower secondary school (Realschule) in German Studies and Protestant Theology. Topic of the dissertation is the intercultural historical and interreligious mediating of material religion at the Museum.